Gregory Dubus Homepage Torus Probe Mapping
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Current Position

Remote Handling officer in Fusion for Energy's ITER department (Barcelona, Spain)

Since 2010, I have been a Technical Project Officer within the Remote Handling (RH) project team of Fusion for Energy (F4E). I have been working on the definition and the follow-up of design, R&D and procurement activities associated with the European contribution to the procurement of the RH systems for ITER.

As a member of F4E's ITER Department and directly reporting to the RH Project Manager, I coordinate — in liaison with a Senior Technical Officer and an Industrial Follow-up Officer — design and procurement activities for the In-Vessel Viewing System (IVVS), which is one of the ITER RH systems allocated to EU. It includes the follow-up of the conceptual, preliminary, final and manufacturing designs, as well as R&D, prototyping and testing activities where required.

My position consists of — but is not limited to — the following assignments:

  • Contribution to the development of the overall strategy for the procurement in kind of the IVVS;
  • Contribution to the preparation and signature of the Procurement Arrangement (PA) between F4E and the ITER International Organization (IO) for the procurement of the IVVS, by ensuring the adequacy, accuracy and completeness of the applicable technical, quality and management requirements;
  • Support to the development of F4E's work-programme and schedule for the procurement of the IVVS;
  • Preparation of technical specifications and quality assurance (QA) documents annexed to the call-for-proposals/tenders documents related to the development of the IVVS;
  • Contribution to the technical evaluation of proposals/tenders and to negotiations with potential beneficiaries/suppliers with a view to concluding grant agreements and procurement contracts;
  • Following-up design, R&D and procurement activities by tracking the progress of contracts against schedule, budget and expected results;
  • Supervise the implementation of QA requirements to be fulfilled in accordance with the arrangements established with the IO.

In-Vessel Viewing System in position for in-vessel scanning – concept design
(image courtesy of F4E)
neutron flux
Neutron flux profile computed along the IVVS axis [n/cm2/s]
(image and data courtesy of F4E)

Previous Position

Research engineer in the CEA List Interactive Robotics unit (Fontenay-aux-Roses, France)

From 2005 to 2007, I was involved in the developments aiming at adapting the 6-DOF Maestro hydraulic manipulator so it works with pure water instead of oil as a power fluid, as required by maintenance operations in fusion reactors and by decommissioning activities in nuclear power plants.

From 2007 to 2010, I developed innovative strategies involving machine vision for controlling vibrations in the remote maintenance equipment operating in high-radiation environments such as ITER (in the framework of the PREFIT project). These works led to the public defense of a doctoral thesis in 2014.

servovalve 1
servovalve 2
Water hydraulic servo valve designed for equipping maintenance and decommissioning remote manipulators
(image courtesy of CEA List)

mock-up 1
mock-up 2
Water hydraulic servo valve designed for equipping maintenance and decommissioning remote manipulators
(courtesy of CEA List)
Examples of tracked features in an unknown and "untrimmed" environment – close-up view of the JET ITER-like wall


  • Generalist Engineer / Master of Science (Technology) with specialisation in control systems - Ecole Centrale Nantes (ECN, France)
  • Doctor of Science (Technology) at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences - Tampere University of Technology (TUT, Finland)

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